EU climate action and the European Green Deal

EU climate action and the European Green Deal

EU climate action and the European Green Deal FESI – European Federation of Associations of Insulation Contractors

By June 2021, the Commission will also review and, where necessary, propose to revise all relevant policy instruments to deliver additional greenhouse gas emissions reductions.

In early 2021, the Commission will adopt a new, more ambitious EU strategy on adaptation to climate change in order to strengthen efforts on climate-proofing, resilience building, prevention and preparedness, ensuring that businesses, cities and citizens are able to integrate climate change into their risk management practices. A public consultation will inform the design of the new strategy.

At international level, the EU will continue to lead international negotiations to increase the ambition of major emitters ahead of the United Nations climate change conference in Glasgow (COP26).

The Commission is also keen to reduce its environmental impact as an institution and employer. It will present a comprehensive action plan in 2020 to reflect the objectives of the Green Deal across all its sites and become climate neutral by 2030.

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